Sleek Aesthetics: V-GUARD Industrial Design Studio is India’s Best In-House Design Studio 2023

V-GUARD’s In-house Industrial Design Studio is at the forefront of driving product innovation and enhancing user experiences. With a deep understanding of design principles, materials, and manufacturing processes, the studio excels at transforming ideas into tangible and functional products. Their portfolio spans a wide range of products, including consumer electronics and home appliances. Following the ‘Design Thinking’ philosophy, they foster a culture of innovation and problem-solving to create thoughtful designs.

The designers at V-Guard Industrial Studio identify breakthrough ideas to tackle complex design challenges. Leveraging advanced tools, methodologies, and consumer insights, they guide the design process from form generation to prototyping and testing, ensuring exceptional solutions.

Project 1 – RequPro RO UV UF Water Purifier

The RequPro Water Purifier sports a sleek and minimalistic design that prioritises serviceability, blending seamlessly with modern kitchen interiors. Its clean lines and compact form factor make it visually appealing while occupying minimal space in the kitchen.

The intuitive interface and user-friendly controls facilitate a hassle-free operation. With its innovative fixed faucet design, it introduces the industry’s first “Fastest Serviceable Design,” minimising service time and eliminating the risk of leaks.

Project 2 – Insight BLDC Ceiling Fan

The Insight BLDC Ceiling Fan stands out with its geometric styling, providing a bold aesthetic that challenges traditional design norms. Its sleek profile and aerodynamic blades create a sense of harmony and balance. The design language seamlessly flows from the motor body to the top canopy, creating a cohesive look.

The UI panel features a smart and intuitive design that prioritises user experience. With IoT-enabled smart functionality, it can be controlled through a mobile app. It sets a new benchmark in functionality with a first-in-segment reverse flow function, making it an “All-weather Fan” that can be used round the year, regardless of the season.

Project 3 – Tesseract Regenerative Water Pump

The Tesseract Regenerative Water Pump introduces a disruptive, never-before-seen design in India. Breaking away from monotonous pump designs, it exudes a smart and sophisticated feel that resonates with the new generation of users.

It sports an exoskeleton single frame made of a durable aluminium alloy that ensures structural integrity. It sits on a strong, vibration-absorbing base, guaranteeing stable operation. Its first-of-its-kind air vent system maximises performance with enhanced cooling efficiency.

With an integrated ferrule coupling, it significantly reduces service time and features IP55 weatherproofing. The pump’s innovative UI display provides clear power indication and error notifications, boosting user control and awareness.

Project 4 – Trior AC Stabilizer

The Trior AC Stabilizer breaks away from the monotonous boxy designs of its predecessors and introduces a path-breaking and compact form. Its sleek aesthetic adds a touch of elegance to the design. Its soft form seamlessly integrates with the AC unit, transforming it into a stylish companion rather than a hidden necessity.

Equipped with IoT technology, it offers users a convenient solution for intelligent AC control. It provides smart energy monitoring, offering real-time insights into power consumption and monitors the AC’s health, with fault identification and alerts to ensure timely intervention.

It incorporates several cutting-edge features, including an intelligent time delay system, advanced overheat protection, and smart voltage correction with energy monitoring.

Project 5 – Envibe Router UPS

Envibe Router UPS is a thoughtfully designed power backup solution for Wi-Fi modems to ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity during power outages. Its compact design form introduces a circular geometry that breaks away from the conventional boxy shape.

The smart and intuitive user interface features a green accent to indicate charging mode and white to signify backup mode, enhancing user communication. The control panel, strategically placed at the back, allows for both table and wall mounting. Compact and lightweight, the device provides easy handling and portability, while its plug and play installation simplifies setup. With a 4-5 hours of backup and intelligent charging, it ensures reliable performance.

Credit: V-GUARD Industrial Design Studio